Calling All Angels

I'm baaaaack! Thank you for all the prayers as I traveled. Hawaii was a-MAZing -- I can't even form a sentence around it without gushing like a joyful fool. Special Reading Rate To complete my Angel Therapist® internship, I'm offering special pricing on my 30 Minute Phone Consultations. For a limited time, you can schedule a Spirit Guide Reading | Angel Energy Healing session for $99.

Look for the 30 Minute Phone Consultation option marked in red.

If you've considered booking a reading with me for some time, or if you'd like to experience the new healing modality, tools, and techniques I'm now offering my clients, November 2008 is the perfect time. Work with me, your Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters to identify and clear away the spiritual energy blocks that are restricting your peace and abundance and keeping you from living your life with purpose.

I'm busting at the seams -- can not WAIT -- to start applying all that I learned at the Angel Therapy® Practitioner Workshop.

For the past few years, I've been providing information-based readings, spiritual life coaching, and advisement -- but it's mostly been just information. I'm so grateful that I can now offer an additional level of energetic healing and clearing as a part of my practice.

Still Spinning in the Ether I have so much to process, to share, to teach, and to write about in the coming months -- be patient with me as I work to make lucid sense of all this new energy and these new insights. How many epiphanies can you stand to have in a week, you know? I'm still integrating it all, with hundreds of new posts swirling around right now. If I tried to write an article this week, I fear it would be a rattling book without an end. I'm working on some essays as part of the course requirements; I have every intention of incorporating much of what I've learned into my posts here at Shift Your Spirits...


In the meantime, I'd love to work with even more of you one-on-one. I want to connect with as many of you as I can in the coming weeks. Please click the 30 Minute Phone Consultation option to book your reading at the special rate.

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