The Shifting Path

Image - the Shifting Path You can become lost along your Path for a lot reasons — any number of obstacles can present themselves — but your main challenge is one of perspective: a basic understanding of the nature of the Path itself.

Nobody said the Path would be straight. Or even fixed in the physical realm.

The Shifting Path cannot be made to stay put and mapped. It constantly unfurls before you, revealing itself in flashes, then diving into shadows like a cat in the woods. And where it appears to lead today may no longer be the case tomorrow.

You don’t have to know every curve along the way — you don’t even have to foresee the ultimate destination — all that is required of you is the courage to take another step and discover the next moment.

A sense of adventure, a willingness to play, and a spontaneous tendency to pretend may serve you better than any compass, chart, or plan.

Slade's signature

Image credit h.koppdelaney via Creative Commons on Flickr