This is a Dare

Image - dare to dream This week -- for at least this one week -- devote yourself to invoking your dreams without comparing them to anyone else's.

Their dreams aren't yours, and they were never meant to be acquired, borrowed, or copied...

What you seek is already here -- still here -- waiting for you to rediscover it.

You actually know what it is -- it's a dream so important that you may hide it (even from your conscious self) in order to protect it. It's the Thing you keep assigning to Someday, the Thing you inadvertently preserve with procrastination. It's the Thing you can't bear to fail at, and the Thing you can't leave this world without trying.

It's a piece of you so dear you can't risk it -- yet it's the one thing you have to risk. It's so big and it's so personal, you may not even dare to dream about it.

But even just trying it -- thinking about it, planning it, starting it -- will energize every facet of your existence. Your dreams are actually protected and empowered in a way no other part of your life ever has been or ever will be.

This week, set in motion at least one tiny action that breaks through the fear of your dream never coming true. Bring it out into the light of day and acknowledge it. Give it words in a way you never have before. Confide your dream in someone who will be excited for you. Look in the mirror, and confess it to yourself.

Slade's signature

Image credit h. koppdelaney via Creative Commons on Flickr