Dream Interpretation and Past Lives with Ash Riley

An interview with Ash Riley about dream interpretation and past lives. We talk about everything from improving your dream recall, to theories about time and consciousness, to how our phobias can have origins in past lives.

Ashley Riley is a spiritual entrepreneur, intuitive lifestyle blogger, and personal development mentor who enjoys empowering others to tap into their own inner-strength. She is the voice behind In My Sacred Space, an intuitive lifestyle blog which explores personal, spiritual, and intuitive development, and incorporating spirituality into daily life.

This episode has a full text transcript below.


22 - Dream Interpretation and Past Lives with Ash Riley


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Kyle Cease

Hannah Ehlers-Bond

Many Lives Many Masters by Bryan Weiss

Journey of Souls by Michael Newton

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Past Life Regression

The OA on Netflix


In My Sacred Space

Online Dream Interpretation Course

Free ebook Connect with your past lives through your dreams


Slade's Books & Courses

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Automatic Intuition




Hey, thanks for listening to the Shift Your Spirits podcast.

I’m your host Slade Roberson.

For eleven years, I’ve been a professional intuitive and the author of the blog ‘Shift Your Spirits’, where I try to write about spirituality with fewer hearts and flowers than most New Age blather.

I also mentor emerging intuitives, psychics, and healers in a program called Automatic Intuition.

Today, I’m sharing a conversation with Ash Riley about dream interpretation and past lives. We talk about everything from improving your dream recall, to theories about time and consciousness, to how our phobias can have origins in our past lives.

And, of course, there is an oracle segment at the end of the show.

So be thinking about a question or a concern you have. Hold it in your mind, and I’ll come back on, after the final links and credits, and leave you with that extra message…


I wanted to share a bit of an update, or an observation, really, about the last episode—episode 21—in which I shared a dream I believed to be about a woman abducted in Arizona. After publishing the show and listening back, I noticed something I had never thought of before. There were no cell phones in that dream.

And because of that, I don’t feel it could possibly have been from a present or even recent time period because the first thing she would have done when she ran out of gas is call or text someone. She didn’t even check her messages when she went on break.

I feel like this detail alone blows my theory that I was dreaming about something urgent or something happening in the present. The fact that I couldn’t find anything remotely resembling the story could also support this incident having taken place in the past. Assuming it was real and it happened, of course.

But, you know, after this conversation with Ash, I’m not sure remote viewing through dreaming is what this was about at all. There may be something underneath, deep within the dream content, thematic, more important than the details of the story it presents. You’ll get an idea of what I’m talking about when you hear this interview segment coming up.

I also want to comment on this eclipse season again.

I feel like we will definitely look back on this time period as a turning point in our lives.

I’m not going super deep into the astrology of all of this, so be sure and consult better minds than mine. Actually, I am sharing and reposting a lot of articles on Facebook, which is where I tend to share time-sensitive content, so please send me a friend request on Facebook if you’d like to access some of what I’m reading about the subject.

First of all, though, if you’re experiencing some turmoil, breakdown, identity crisis, life quakes, I want you to know that it’s not just you. That may be a small consolation, but I do find that comforting, myself. 

Because I talk to so many people all over the world every week, I am in a unique position to notice patterns that are going on out there. And if that corresponds with some of this eclipse astrology, cool.

Regardless of spirituality or faith or total lack of those things, we still have a collective consciousness. And there are some powerful common themes presenting in a lot of people’s lives right now.

I’m recording this Aug 8, 2017, so if you’re listening when it comes out or soon after it, it’s obviously timely. But if you’re listening to the archives in the future, this message may still hold significance for you. You may be experiencing something similar and some serendipity has allowed this message to reach you at whatever time and place you are.

It’s okay to believe it speaks to you now — whenever you hear it, just like the oracle message at the end of the show.

This pattern or phenomenon or transit we’re going through seems to be about shedding our skins, or having our identities challenged. 

If you are presented with a strong impulse to take an action right now, if it’s a clear action, even if it seems sudden or impulsive, move toward it. If it’s wrong, you will get immediate feedback, and you can back off, but the biggest problem everyone seems to be having right now is a kind of paralysis. Lack of decision. Feeling lost. Not sure what direction you’re going in. Not sure how to move forward...

So, I have to ask you this…What is wrong with waiting?

What about surrendering, allowing yourself to be carried where you’re meant to go?

Check again — your situation may feel like an emergency or like something has to be tended to immediately. But does it really? Can it wait a few weeks?

If you can wait, I would advise doing nothing. Make no decisions, take no actions, observe the thoughts and feelings and wait for the message to emerge from them. Or for the circumstances to resolve themselves.

Chani Nicholas sent out a newsletter this week, and there was a section that really spoke to me. She wrote: "Try not to rush to replace what is leaving. Try not to jump to conclusions about what to do with the new room. Try not to assume too much just because being in the unknown is uncomfortable."

I want to take a moment to say thank you to my new supporters on Patreon:

Theo Walker

Darla Antoine

Alisa Martin

and James Roberson

It’s nice to see some life long supporters showing up in Patreon.

Darla Antoine was one of the first people to take my professional intuitive training almost 8 years ago.

Alisa is one of the people in the world who has been talking to me about spirituality the longest. Decades, she’s been listening to me. She’s also the friend I mentioned in the last episode whom I apparently visit in the dream space every once in a while for a chat.

And James Roberson is my father. Actually both my parents support my show on Patreon — my mother was the first person to pledge, which was before I started thanking people on the show. But my dad is actually a fan and listens to all the episodes, and reads all the posts. 

I know a lot of you don’t feel like you can be your authentic self with your family. And I certainly celebrate the value of chosen family. But I want it to be known that my parents do support my work, and would do so even if it’s not their thing. I am very blessed in this way. 

I appreciate all of you who have pledged your support. I’m really excited to see the new names every week. It demonstrates that you’re enjoying the show and want it to continue. That’s very encouraging. It means more to me than you may realize.

You too can support my time in producing this show — and you can support Linda, the young woman who is creating our transcripts every week — by pledging on Patreon for as little as $1 a month.

Listeners who support on Patreon can also access bonus Q&A episodes, where you send in questions, I record answers to them, and they go out to patrons of the show exclusively.

So If you want to find out how you can become a patron, especially if you would like Linda's transcription to continue, please go to patreon.com/shiftyourspirits

Okay. Let’s get into today’s interview. 

Ashley Riley is a spiritual entrepreneur, intuitive lifestyle blogger, and personal development mentor who enjoys empowering others to tap into their own inner-strength. She is the voice behind In My Sacred Space, an intuitive lifestyle blog which explores personal, spiritual, and intuitive development, and incorporating spirituality into daily life.

And Ash happens to love talking about a few things that I don’t talk about so much — dream interpretation and past lives. She even mixes the two together.

Here’s my conversation with Ash:


In My Sacred Space has been my little side passion for the last going on four years now, I think. It is, it started out as a lifestyle blog, and I talked to you about this the other day, where it was sort of this amalgamation of spiritual living and however that manifested itself in your life.

And it was from home décor to cooking or gardening or general spirituality, whatever. And slowly and surely, over the last four years, it’s kind of gravitated toward serious focus on personal development and metaphysics.

And so, last year, around July, I decided to start doing readings for my followers. I’ve been doing them for friends for a long time and I’d also been doing dream interpretations for friends for a long time, and obviously for myself. And I’ve been doing personal development coaching for my friends.

So I decided to bring all that together into this online space that I had, and offer it to all the people who’d been following my blog for the last three to four years.

And, I use a combination of numerology, tarot, personology, really any kind of psychic tool that is at my fingertips to dig into a person’s soul path and really figure out what the real lesson they’re trying to learn in these challenges that they’re coming into in their lives and how can we bring that subconscious block forward into their awareness and help them release and heal that?

And so, with my mentorship sessions especially, I like to do a combination of numerology and personology and dream interpretation and we’ll use tarot to kind of direct us in each of our sessions. I ask them to set goals for each of their sessions and then we work through whatever comes up.

It’s been really fascinating because I see – I have clients who come in and something will spark within me intuitively about what they’re going through and I’ll throw it out there and they’ll initially be resistant to it. They’ll say, “No no no, I’m over that, that’s not what’s happening.”

Then I have them keep a dream journal in between sessions. And they come back to me with all these dreams. And I start going through their dreams and it is just like, screaming out in their dream symbolism that this is what’s going on.

And it’s really great to have something tangible like that to point to. To kind of help them blast through the cognitive dissonance of what’s going on.


This is one of the reasons why I wanted to - well I wanted to talk to you about a million things, and we could probably do so many different episode topics or whatever, but when you brought up this subject of dream work, I was like, “Yes! That’s what I need to talk to you about.”

Because I have started to talk about my own dream experiences a little bit. And interestingly enough, how dense I am about – like if somebody else told me their dream and it had an obvious symbol in it, I would be very quick to see it. But when it’s my own, it’s not as apparent to me, you know.

So, I am not a dream expert. I’m not even a very good dreamer. Like, my dream life is so disappointing and so many people will bring this up to me. You know, potential clients want to talk about their dreams or they, you know, want to know if I do any kind of interpretation around that symbolism or whatever.

And I can, sort of, I can do that when it comes up in conversation, of course, but when you said that this was an area that you focused on, I was like, that’s really cool because I want you to supplement my understanding and my wisdom.

And, you know, I don’t have to explain it to people because you can explain it better than I can.

But yeah, so I have a bunch of questions about dream interpretation and dream work and specifically about some of the, like your free e-book on this subject, and some of the courses that you have.

So, just first and foremost, I was interested in knowing how did you end up specifically making dream work a focus. Like, what drew you to the topic specifically?


I’ve always been a pretty avid dreamer, even back when I was a kid and when I was younger. And I’ve always had pretty good dream recall. I didn’t actually get into the interpretation of dreaming until I sort of discovered spirituality a few years ago, and I just found it to be the easiest avenue for me to start accessing and developing my own intuition.

Because, as I said on my website, you can literally do it in your sleep. It doesn’t get any easier than that.


So talk to me about the – you have a dream interpretation course. Tell us about that.


Yeah, so, like I said, I’ve been doing this for myself for a long time, and I started to do it for friends and in my Facebook group for people. And it’s something that a lot of people have a lot of curiosity about.

But it seems like they – not a lot of people have a good knowledge of how to go about interpreting dreams. And, you know, for some people it’s just like, “Oh, what does this one dream mean?”

And I really want people to understand that there is so much more to dreamwork than just figuring out what this dream means.

Because you can use dreamwork to do so many things. And that’s why I have my two e-books on my website.

One of them is how to contact your spirit guides through your dreams. One of them is how to access your past lives through your dreams.

You can dream with intention and set specific intentions with your dreamwork and access parts of your multi-dimensional self in your subconscious mind that you don’t necessarily have access to on a regular basis.

And that opens the door to so, so much. With how you develop on a personal level, and how you live your life.


What are some general tips that you would tell somebody who’s kind of at the beginning of this process? Because you’re right. I don’t even think about it until I have one really good dream that seems meaningful and then I think, “Ooo! What was that trying to tell me?”

But, you know, you just sort of altered my perspective in how this is really something that you want to monitor in an ongoing way, right?

Because the patterns are so important and, I mean, I really stress this in my intuitive development mentoring as well, is to watch for the patterns of what’s being brought to you and following that as a way of discovering your practice.

So, what would you tell somebody who’s like, “Ooo! Okay, yeah, I want to go into this.” What are a few basic good practices for starting a dream journal or dream interpretation log or, you know, what would you advise?


Get into the habit. Dreaming is a routine, and waking up every morning and writing down what you remember from your dreams is a habit you want to get into. I’m to the point now where I am interpreting my dreams while I’m still in them.

And that just comes from routine practice and having it on my mind that I’m going to remember this and figure out what it means.

And then, I’m not even necessarily lucid in those dreams when that’s happening. It’s just something that I naturally do now.

Now I hear a lot of people tell me, “Well, I don’t dream.” And that’s not necessarily the case.

Everybody dreams. Every night.

It’s just a matter of whether or not you remember it.

And, a lot of times the reason you don’t remember it can be because you’re a really deep sleeper. People who have a lighter sleep pattern tend to be able to remember their dreams more often because they’re – you have the best dream recall the second that you wake up. Particularly if you’re waking up during R.E.M. You’ll be likely to remember your dreams more.

So there’s little tips and tricks that can help with dream recall, like setting an intention before you go to bed telling yourself that you’re going to remember your dreams.

You can set an alarm clock for like, around 2:30, 3:00 am to wake you up, and then you immediately just write down the things that you remember.

Don’t move when you wake up in the morning. Just lay there and try to remember what was happening in your head before you woke up. Because the more that you – dreams are stored in your short-term memory initially, and when you wake up and you start to move around, it can make them fade away. So it’s really important that you kind of sit still and try to hold on to them and commit them to your longer-term memory.

So like, repeating the symbols that you saw and the actions that happened in the dream can be - can help you commit those to your long-term memory and then get them down in your dream journal.

Gosh, there’s just so much…


Well, so there’s another topic that you’re really into that I’m also deficient in. There’s two things that are really attractive topics to a lot of people in our collective audience, and that’s past lives and dreamwork.

And so, you actually combine those two things.

I don’t really do a lot of past life readings, past life stories don’t come up for me very much in readings and you and I have talked about it. I mean, it’s not that, there’s just some people who focus on different things or they receive different types of information.

Some people are natural mediums. Some people pick up on angelic energy or some people are more attuned to energy centres in the body. You know, there’s different things. So, one of your expertise that I don’t have is this synergy of the past life information with the dream stuff.

So tell me about how you – how do you get at the past life stuff through your dreams?


Just learning to – a bit part of dream interpretation is learning to identify what type or types of dream you’re having. And a lot of times you can get things mixed together in a single dream, different elements. There can be pieces of it that are past life, but it’s sort of layered underneath modern day symbolism, so learning to identify which parts of the dream are what and what is really coming through in that dream is kind of an art form that you kind of have to learn to develop.

And they have a lot of checklists and things like that as supplementary material in the course that’ll help you figure those things out.


So does the course have – tell us a little bit about what’s in the course content-wise. Is it video? Is it audio? Is it workbook style? A mix? Just to get some people interested in it, why don’t you describe it a little bit more in detail.


It’s a mix of things. There’s a video lesson in every module, and there’s downloadable worksheets. There’s exercises. There’s homework assignments. I give access to tons and tons of resources that are free. I have a Facebook group for everyone in the course to come in and they get to work with me one-on-one in the Facebook group, and with each other.

Because a huge part of learning this is practicing and you can practice on yourself for a really long time, but when you start to really practice with other people, it gets interesting because you start to learn that different people have very different dream styles and very different dream symbolism.

Like, I have one friend who is also a prolific dreamer, but her dream style is so different from mine that it’s almost – it’s difficult for us to interpret one another’s dreams because they’re so different from what we’re both used to.

So it’s really cool how you can learn your dream style and learn to identify different types of dreams. Learning to dream with intention and the course gives you all kinds of worksheets and downloadable things to help you learn those basic fundamentals and really give you a good foundation for learning how to figure yourself out, from a dream standpoint.


Do you feel that one of the things that’s going to occur as you get into this and study this, like you said, as you’re analyzing and learning about your dream style – do you kind of develop your own symbology, or your own language, like where is the relationship between the kind of archetypal dream dictionary sort of scenario, versus your sort of personal symbolism. Is there a difference in the way that you teach it?


There’s definitely a difference between archetypal symbolism and your own personal symbolism. A lot of people think that it has to be either or. I don’t teach it that way. I believe that you can find the layers of meaning in your dreams and that the archetypal symbolism and your personal symbolism can both be simultaneously true.


So tell me like a cool example of a past life dream story that’s come up either for you or maybe somebody in your group.


Oh goodness. My past life dreams tend to be really, really heavy. And the reason why is because they’re coming up because there are things that are karmic patterns that I’m trying to heal. And so, a lot of them tend to be really emotionally painful.

But I do have one anecdotal story that’s not so heavy. That I will share with you. Just not to bring everyone down.

And I actually talk about it in my e-book on past life dreams.

One night, I was falling asleep and I just happen to idly wonder, have I ever had any past lives as a man, because all the ones that I’ve seen so far in my dreams and various other things have all been me as a woman. And I had a dream that night that I was a Roman or Greek soldier, and I was in an army and there was like this big celebration happening, like we’d just won this major war and there was like this feast going on and I was sort of like a lower guy on the totem pole, and there was a certain area of this place that was reserved just for the generals and the people who were really high up.

But I also had this really stubborn F-U streak and I was drunk and decided to crash the general’s party. And that’s really all I remember of this dream, but I definitely figured that that has to be where my whatever I-do-what-I-want streak comes from – it’s that life.


That’s cool. That’s interesting.

You know, as you were talking about that, I was thinking, well I’m putting you on the spot asking you to recall this. And I actually – when I was in high school, I think I was doing some kind of fiction competition or something. I was writing a short story for some submission and I based the short story on a dream that I had had about being a World War I trench soldier in France.

Probably, you know, British soldier in the trenches. You know, that famous – where, I mean, just gazillions of people died in that area in that time period, so…

And like you said, it wasn’t really - definitely was low on the totem pole. I wasn’t anybody famous, and the dream itself was just sort of a snippet of being in that experience and having a lot of sensory detail about what it felt like and I was not interested in any kind of military anything. Military history, nothing. So I didn’t really read about that kind of stuff and I wasn’t attracted to movies or anything about it.

But because of that dream, I have had a lifelong interest in a World War I and World War II history, particularly in Europe, and am constantly drawn to things about the trench warfare in particular.

So, I don’t know. It’s really weird. It’s like I can take on the idea of past lives and the story and if somebody told me, “Yeah, you know that was a past life experience you were picking up on.” I’m like, okay cool.

But at the same time, I don’t have any kind of hard and fast belief about it. You know what I’m saying?

I don’t know. Like I feel I’m a little wary of like, being like, “Yes, you know, this is definitely true. And this is how it happened.” So, it’s just one of those things it’s like, if it comes in and finds me, I will definitely take it on board, and it certainly sounds like a good explanation, don’t you think?


Yeah. I think for me, identifying a past life dream, like I said, it tends to come with some really heavy emotional energy. And I wake up in the morning with what I have termed to be the past-life-dream hangover. And it’s sort of like this dream that just sticks with you all morning and you’re really still processing a lot of the emotional energy that was attached to it.

And I very much feel that emotional energy when I’m in that dream. With what’s happening and what’s going on. And, like I said, they almost always mirror something that is going on in my current life that is attached to that karmic pattern.



So it’s like, something that is happening in your life now will prompt an attachment to that memory or bring it to the surface in some way, you think?


Yeah, and, I mean, I’m in the camp that believes that our lives are actually – time doesn’t exist and our lives are happening simultaneously, and so it’s not even necessarily a past thing that happened. It could be that I’m actually tapping into this other life that is me as it’s happening. And we’re experiencing these things at the same time.


Interesting. Okay, now that’s really good. That’s juicy. I like that. How did you arrive at that theory? How did that come to you?


I think that – first of all, I think it’s actually a scientific fact nowadays, but coming through my spiritual development, I have channelled stuff about it that has just sort of come out and like, “Wow, where did that come from. That’s really juicy.”

And then I go look it up and it’s like, “Oh! This is related to Einstein’s theory of relativity – weird!”




And then I’ve also seen a lot of other people have come up with sort of the same information. And when I see a recurring pattern in things that other people are channelling and feeling and thinking, I pay attention to that. And I don’t necessarily – I think people get too bogged down in the details. And they miss the commonality and the theme with the little nuggets of truth that are at the base of it. You know what I mean?


Yeah, you’re right. Most people are interested or concerned with the who and the detail – the kind of set dressing of the historical time period and, you know, all that kind of stuff because that’s fun. Let’s face it, you know. We all want to get dressed up and be a princess in another culture.

But, yeah, you’re right. The underlying theme there is really what’s most important from it.

I, you know, as we’re sitting here talking, and maybe it’s because I’m, you know, picking up on your energy and you’re drawing things to the surface, but I have an actual other good past life experience story.

When I was in Hawaii at an Angel Therapy Practitioners’ Conference – I think this was in 2008 – I met a British woman there named Hannah Ehlers who I will link to Hannah in the show notes, and I’m probably going to have to send her a message now and say, “Hey, you need to listen to my podcast.”

I haven’t talked to her in forever but I just remembered as you were speaking that she and I were hanging out in the pool as one does in Hawaii at our convention, and she was talking about how she does past life readings on people and that was, you know, kind of one of the things that she did.

And I told her that I had had this lifelong aversion to anything that has to do with childbirth. Like, seeing -




Yeah, yeah. And probably a lot of people do, because if the past life thing is real, then, you know, there’s a ton of us who have died in childbirth, right?

And, so, I mean, I have – even if it’s a silly labour scene on a sitcom, like it is – I cannot be in the same room with it. I have to turn the channel and this was a lifelong thing. It just would make me cringe.

And it was one of the only things that I could identify like that in my whole life. I have no snake phobias or fear of heights or anything like that, but the sound of someone being in childbirth, even in fictional circumstance, was like, NO, cannot do this.

And I said something to her about that, because we were talking about it, and she just very quickly told me what the situation was. And she told me she said, “Actually, you did not die in childbirth. You were in the other room and you experienced your wife being in distress and dying in childbirth and so that’s why the sound of witnessing it is not really about experiencing it so much as just hearing it is very triggering.

And I was like, “Wow…”

First of all, I would’ve guessed that it was because it was something that happened to me personally, and I would never have thought, “Oh, I didn’t necessarily go through it but I witnessed it in some way.” That has made a different imprint.

Because actually, there’s a sense of helplessness when you are the person who maybe is not the victim but the witness. Or, you know, somebody who cannot help someone that you care about, you know, when they’re sick or in distress or whatever.

Speaking of heavy stuff, you know, but – so I took that in and, I was like, okay, she was very quick with the story and she told me a whole lot of other specific details and how it related to a phobia that my mother has that was very accurate as well, and she even told me, she said “Your mother was present at that time. She was your child and you two survived the situation. And that’s a past life karmic thing that you have as souls.” And, you know, it just went on and on and I was like, “Okay… okay cool!”

And I have to tell you, and I’ve never told her this, I don’t think, but I’ve never once had that experience since that conversation. Like, I can watch Call the Midwife all day long now.


Have you ever read, I think it’s Many Lives, Many Masters?


Yes! Way back. I was probably in my teens or early twenties.


That is like the exact thing that Brian Weiss talks about with his clients when doing their past life regressions. He brings them back to this moment where this phobia centers around, and the minute that that’s brought into your conscious awareness, it can finally be processed and released and it no longer exists anymore.


You’re right. That’s so true. Ohmygod I love this. Now I want to have Hannah come on the show.

Shoutout to Hannah!

Very cool. And I’m glad you remember the Many Lives, Many Masters, because that’s kind of like one of the bibles of past life stuff, right?


Right. I’m actually a huge fan of Michael Newton as well. Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls, I thought was a really great thing.

It’s kind of more like between-lives work, but it’s still really really good.


So what’s the difference between between-life work and past-life work?


So past life work is, they take you into the past life itself, and dig around there and bring things into your awareness. Life between lives is where they take you into I guess what you would maybe consider the bardo state, where you’re doing your pre-life planning, so to speak, about what you’re wanting to experience in this life and which past lives is attached to and why and it sort of gives you a view of the afterlife in a structural form and kind of what happens during the death process when you come back into that place and you review your life and you see what worked, what didn’t and what you want to create in the next one.


Wow. Have you done any of that for yourself?


I did! I did a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy session which is a Dolores Cannon method, and it is technically a life-between-lives type work thing. Have you ever seen the OA on Netflix?


Yes. I like it.


Okay. There is a part in the OA when she’s sort of in her near-death state and she’s talking to the woman in the room with the galaxy walls and everything.




I forget…




That’s very similar to what I saw in this regression when I experienced my death and went into that place.

I was standing there and I was able to look down at the floor into this sort of like pool and see myself on my deathbed and there were these three beings that were there. They were very tall and I kind of got the feeling that that was sort of like my counsel. And I was standing in front of them and we were reviewing that life.

And the imagery just really stuck with me and when I saw that part of the OA, I was like, “Ohmygod! That’s it!”


It’s interesting that you pulled that out because that is the most impactful memorable image to me, and there are a lot of them, in that show actually. There’s some amazing stuff. I mean, even the crash sequence on the bridge when the car goes into the water and all that stuff.

I mean, there’s so many scenes that are shot in very unique ways but you’re right. That part where she crawls up into the room where the walls are made out of stars and… there’s something about that that – I welled up emotionally, like, you know, felt very teary watching that. Even from the first time you see it and you’re not really sure in the context of the story, you know, what may be happening or whatever, but just as an image, that tweaked my mind. That was an Inception-kind of feeling for me, watching that. It was very cool.


So, let me ask you this. Because it’s all fun and it’s very interesting and it’s kind of good story telling. How do you think we can use these stories to make a difference in our lives now? What kind of result do you see when you work with someone around this dream stuff? What can someone expect to improve I guess about their current situation?


The sky’s the limit. It all really just depends on what your intention is and what you want out of it. You know. It’s a tool like anything else. It’s like using tarot cards. It’s like using a pendulum or going to get a psychic reading. It’s all - whatever information you uncover is going to help you in whatever it is that you’re attempting to move forward with.

I think it’s particularly good when you’re working with blocked emotional energy from be it past lives, current lives, whatever. Your dreams are – they’re your window to your own subconscious mind. They’re constantly reflecting yourself back to you. The parts of yourself that you are unaware of or that are unknown to you.

And in some ways, it’s very much shadow work.




And the whole purpose of it is to help us integrate more and more of that shadow self until we become whole. Consciously whole, I should say.


There are a couple takeaways for me from this conversation with you that really change my perspective on a few things.

I never really thought about dreams as being a psychic tool. I don’t know what I – I had it in a different category entirely. Like, maybe psychic ability is like a channel and then dreams are a channel, or something like that. But you’re right. When I work with people around the concept of tools, I use that word very loosely to describe anything from a modality to a technique to a divination art to, you know, a subject that you might study or healing practice that you take on. So I’ve never really thought about, oh, dreams just need to be another one of those tools to pull from.

And the other thing is this idea that you sort of - sums it up when you said, “It’s essentially a kind of shadow work.” But the idea that one of the reasons why these dreams are important is not so much the surface layer of the visuals and the detail and the costumes and all that kind of stuff. But this idea that whether it is actually a memory of a past life or it is your brain presenting your own stuff within that story, it’s still useful for the theme that’s at the bottom. You know what I mean?




Like whatever the theme is that’s trying to be communicated to you.

So that’s really cool.

Thank you, for that. I will go away pondering and thinking about this whole topic differently because of that. And, you know, I think that actually might give me a shift around my whole attitude about dreams, because I’m kind of – I’m a bad dreamer, so maybe I sleep deeper than I thought or whatever it might be.

But I, you know, it’s weird when you have an attitude like, “Oh, I’m not good at that so I’m not going to do it,” and I have a little bit of that prejudice against this topic.


Um hmm.


So I’m interested to see how that’s going to impact me. Because you’re right, it will change my intention when I lay down to go to sleep, just having that shift and kind of opening up to the possibility of that.

So it’s very cool. Thank you for doing that.

Just to make sure that we get an invitation from you, where should people go if they want to start working with you or if they want to download some of your free resources. Tell us where to go.


Go to my website at https://inmysacredspace.com/ and basically you can navigate to just about anywhere on my site from the home page. I, like I said, I do readings, I do – and I wouldn’t necessarily call it a “reading”. I work much more in the realm of personal development. And so, you can come to me. I’m not going to predict your future for you. I’m not going to tell you if and when your ex is coming back to you.

What I will tell you is what it is that is underneath the surface that is keeping you from having meaningful relationships. And I’ll help you pull that forward and then we can work through that.

You know, I’m much more geared toward helping you overcome these things than just telling you what to do or what to think or what to see.

Thanks again for listening to the Shift Your Spirits podcast.

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please visit shiftyourspirits.com

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If you’d like to get an intuitive reading with me, or download a free ebook and meditation to help you connect with your guides

please go to sladeroberson.com

and If you’re interested in my professional intuitive training program, you can start the course for free by downloading the Attunement at



I promised to leave you a message in answer to a question or a concern you may have.

So take a moment to think about your issue—hold it in your mind or speak it out loud—I’ll pause for just a few seconds….right…NOW



Right now, your thoughts may not be as logical and factual and true as you’d like to think.

Emotions are running the show. But remember, you are not necessarily your feelings; you are the one experiencing them. To get some perspective or relief, you can zoom out and observe them from a distance.

Emotions are about the sacred element water. And water is about fluidity. So, lose your rigidity. Relax your self-imposed rules. See where the water wants to carry you and allow change to happen with as little resistance as possible.

And I’ll talk to you later.