Healing a Broken Heart with Melany Oliver

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Melany Oliver has over 10 years experience healing deep emotional wounds. She helps women wounded by childhood trauma and negative relationships learn to love and accept themselves. She also helps those who are heartbroken or unable to attract their life partner release energetic blocks to manifesting true love.

She’s the creator of Healing the Broken Heart, Complete Heart Attunement, and the Heart Paths, which support those on a spiritual journey learn how to process their emotions and life lessons.


23 - Healing a Broken Heart with Melany Oliver


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...Reiki, Thai yoga massage, holistic and complimentary therapies, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), hypnotherapy, theta healing ... cording, energy cord, etheric cord, energetic divorce, energy exchange, cord cutting...

GUEST LINKS - Melany Oliver


Healing the Broken Heart

Complete Heart Attunement


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Hey, thanks for listening to the Shift Your Spirits podcast.

I’m your host Slade Roberson.

For eleven years, I’ve been a professional intuitive and the author of the blog Shift Your Spirits, where I try to write about spirituality with fewer hearts and flowers than most New Age blather.

I also mentor emerging intuitives, psychics, and healers in a program called Automatic Intuition.

Today, I’m sharing a conversation with Melany Oliver about healing from heartbreak. 

And, of course, as always, there’s an oracle segment at the end of the show.

So be thinking about a question or a concern you have. Hold it in your mind, and I’ll come back on, after the final links and credits, and leave you with that extra message.


It’s August 14, 2017 as I record this. If you’re listening right when this episode comes out, we have just experienced the eclipse. And hopefully you’re moving toward your best intentions for the future and a break with past patterns that no longer serve you. It will likely take a while for this energy to move through and there’s still work to be done around this Leo / Aquarius duality. 

My simplification of the theme you should be considering, or the questions to ask yourself, revolve around the idea of your true identity. Leo energy (for everyone) is about being a star, shining your special light, and the Aquarius side of things is about the greater humanitarian definition of who you are. Who, on a larger scale, will receive your light.

Who is your true self? What are your gifts? And how do you intend to impact the world.

It feels like a test right now — you will either become reaffirmed in who you want to be or you may realize you’ve strayed from the path you set for yourself, or you may discover a new image of who you truly are and feel the nudge to adopt that new self.

The challenges and changes right now are about embracing what will allow you to shine, and releasing what is not working.

I’d like to take a moment to say thank you to my new supporters on Patreon:

Ann Luke-Montez

Janet Thomasson

Miki Lea

I appreciate all of you who have pledged your support and I’m really excited to see the new names each week. It demonstrates that you’re enjoying the show and want it to continue. That’s very encouraging to me, so thank you.

You too can support my time in producing this show — and you can support Linda, who transcribes all my words each week — by pledging on Patreon.

For as little as $1 a month, listeners who support on Patreon can also access bonus Q&A episodes, where you send in questions, I record answers to them, and they go out to patrons of the show exclusively.

I just posted the latest bonus episode on how I do a psychic reading, step by step, in great detail, so you guys who are supporters can go listen to that if you haven’t already.

If you’d like to listen to that episode, you can find out how to pledge your support for the show at patreon.com/shiftyourspirits

Okay. Let’s get into today’s interview.

Melany Oliver has over 10 years experience healing deep emotional wounds. She helps women wounded by childhood trauma and negative relationships learn to love and accept themselves. She also helps those who are heartbroken or unable to attract their life partner release energetic blocks to manifesting true love.

She’s the creator of Healing the Broken Heart, Complete Heart Attunement, and the Heart Paths, which support those on a spiritual journey learn how to process their emotions and life lessons.

I’ll let her introduce herself...


I'm Melany and I work with emotional wellbeing and I help people process their deep emotional pain. And empower them and not allow their emotions to sabotage their life, to rule their life, and that's the basics of what I do. That's the main, that's the core of what I do is really all about emotions and emotional empowerment. 


I know a lot of people who are listening are going to be wondering where your accent comes from. Tell us where you come from. 


Haha.. I was born in Brazil. My mother's half Brazilian, half Italian. My father's English, Welsh-English. I grew up in Dubai so... I don't know where my accent's from. I think it's mixed up. 


It's very interesting, yeah! It's funny because whenever I listen to you try to speak, there is a part of my brain - I was originally a linguistics major in college and this is not something that I talk about a lot but it's funny because I'm very good at identifying English-speakers and you know, and where they come from. Like a lot of people in America can't tell the difference between a New Zealand or South African, stuff like that... 




And I notice when I'm listening to you, that there are parts of my brain... 


Haha... you're confused!


Yeah, I'm trying to at - I'm like, i heard something there that sounded British and then I'll hear something else that sounds a little different. And so, yeah, um I just - I felt like in the moment as I was listening from the perspective of the audience, like, Everyone's going to wonder where is she from with the lovely accent!



I get that a lot. I get - people don't know where I'm from. I've gotten from everywhere, literally. 


It's fascinating though. You have a very different worldview, I'm sure, from the intersection of all those cultures. I am curious in hearing, how did you become a professional intuitive? 


Basically I had no idea what I was going to do. And I remember applying to university and I applied to so many different courses and I honest - when I got the results and I just did not know what to do. And so what I did was I took a gap year and I went traveling and studied a lot of different modalities. So I started reiki, I did Thai yoga massage, and that's when I started to realize that actually I really like the whole alternative medicine field.

And so I studied holistic and complementary therapies at university and then from then on I just started to study all sorts, you know, NLP, hypnotherapy, and in the background, I've always been, you know, an intuitive, but never really... I never really took that on board as a profession, but over the years of treating clients through massage - so I did five years of massage - I started to realize that people used to have a lot of releases emotionally and I was able to pick up their emotions just by giving them a massage, reflexology or aromatherapy massage, and that's what also got me interested in the intuition and aura reading and all of that and so it was actually a gradual process. 

I did start doing tarot readings from when I was around 18. I was very young but I only started to really take this professionally 10 years on when I was around 27 because I just didn't feel confident enough at the time and it was just a lot of encouragement from friends who had had readings, and messages from me and it was basically they encouraged me and that's how it kind of started. 


You were definitely not the first person, massage therapist, that I've spoken to who has discovered their intuition in that practice or in that sort of hands-on healing. I would say that, gosh, there's probably like a third of the people that I speak to who are emerging as intuitives or who just discovered that they're empaths... Yeah, do some type of bodywork where they're actually touching the clients and, yes so that's really fascinating. Of course, that's not how I come to it at all. I'm a terrible masseuse. I end up just petting people like they're cats. Which can be kind of nice, depending... 

Well, you know, you have a unique focus though for your practice and you're the creator of Healing the Broken Heart and Complete Heart Attunement and your website talks about how you specifically help women who are heartbroken and unable to attract their life partner release all kinds of blocks to healing their heart and attracting love.

So how did that become the focus of your practice?


Again, it wasn't something that I chose. It was something that - it kind of just happened naturallyI started doing more. After the massage phase, I went into more healing. And healing in general I was doing Reiki healing, theta healing and all sorts of other - NLP, hypnotherapy, and over the years again, I noticed that my main clientele were women who were heartbroken. And after seeing a lot of women, I also - based on all the tools that I know - I also started to see a pattern emerge in terms of a process. So, for example, I wouldn't just go straight into forgiveness work. I need to first release the overwhelm and then release the resistance, and then perhaps if they're ready, then to go into forgiveness. So it was years of treating women who were heartbroken and that's how I created my processes and it just kind of landed on my lap. It just happened. It wasn't something I specifically chose. 


Well, I think that there's a theme actually in discovering our purpose. It's often about following where people ask us to go more than it is about deciding where we're going to take them. You know, that's a piece of advice that I give a lot, so... 

I feel like I was a little drafted into doing this as well. 

One of the things I noticed though, in all the times that I've spoken with you, you use the term "heartbreak" in kind of more expansive way than most people do, you know what I mean?




You use the concept of heartbreak beyond just the romantic love, so...


Oh, totally. 


How do you define heartbreak in the context of spiritual healing?


Yeah, and I've also - sometimes I use the wound, heart wound or emotional wound, and it's really anything that breaks your heart, and it could be your mother passing, I've treated clients that they couldn't get over their loved ones passing. That in itself is a heart wound. It could also be for your pets or anything like that, but any form of trauma, any form of emotional hurt that really hurts you and you're not able to get over, that is a heart wound, and a heart break, and yeah, that's - you're absolutely right, it's not just about partners or exes and things like that. It goes deeper than that. Even childhood wounds. You could have had your heart broken as a child by parents, family, teachers. It's really about the emotion, the emotional wound, I define it as a heartbreak. 


That - You have something called the Heart Path series that's about processing emotions and emotional discipline. Tell us about the Heart Path series. 


So the Heart Path 1 is more about the self healing. So it is about emotional discipline where I go into how to process emotions, and not just emotions but also how it affects your mind and how to shift your mindset after processing your emotions. So Heart Path 1 is really about healing yourself. It's a complete self-healing journey and these are tools in which you can use over and over again and you'll probably go through the journey, as I have, many times. 

So that's the main focus of the Heart Path 1.

Heart Path 2 is more about your intuition and developing your intuition and really connecting with your heart, with your heart's wisdom and the reason why I did it in that way - it's also - the whole Heart Path actually is based on my own journey and it's based on everything that I've learned and my favorite tools and how to develop yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and the reason why I've put the intuition part second is because if you haven't dealt with your wounds, if you haven't really healed your childhood traumas or any form of trauma, your intuition will be heavily influenced by your wounds and you'll not be a clear channel. Perhaps you'll hear your intuition but you won't trust yourself to follow it. You will react based on your emotions. So it is a process. And the last part - the Heart Path 3 is more about aligning with your heart's purpose, with your heart's desires and it's more about manifesting but more in alignment with your soul, with your heart. 

So that's the Heart Path. 


Okay, so I'm not a woman, as you may realize, but I have, of course, experienced heartbreak, and there are thousands of women in my audience who I'm representing right now. So just speak to me as if, you know, if I came to you and I was considering working with you one-on-one, walk me through the process. Like, what can I expect if I approach you and I say, "I just can't get over this woundedness." Walk me through what working with you one-on-one would be like.


Sure. So normally I would always start with releasing the overwhelm because when people come to me, they're not in a good place. They're normally in a dark hole, or they're stressed out and completely overwhelmedSo the first part is really about bringing yourself back into balance, grounding, and preparing you to go deeper. Because when you're overwhelmed there's no way you're going deeper into your wounds and you're not able to process anything. 

The second part I always check if there's any resistance, and I work with releasing resistance through reframing and using different techniques. Again, exactly what it says, to release resistance so that we go deeper. And after that it's more about processing the deep hurtful emotions that everybody avoids. That's why they're stuck. So I sit most of the time it's really sitting with clients through that painful emotion and I do guide them through visualizations, guided imagery, and to bring out, to pull out their pain, their hurt, and sit them through a process so that they can process and really release that deep core emotion that they've probably suppressed over a very very long time.

And then once the emotion is really released, and I have - I don't know how to say it - I can sense when somebody has reached the core, when someone has really accepted that emotion and truly released it, then we can start on rebuilding, whether it's their self-esteem and working on self-love or whatever. The core whatever they need, then it's all about reprogramming and rebuilding. 

So this is, I guess, you can say, a brief framework that I use through my processes, through the way that I work with clients. 


I would love to get your advice about obsessive thoughts. So - and I'm asking for a friend, and for my past and future self, when I'm in this state - but you know the kind of thing I'm talking about, which is maybe the relationship is broken and it's starting to unravel and you kind of know it deep down and he's not responding to your texts, and you feel in your gut that something's wrong and your imagination starts filling in all these scenarios, or this is something that I see everyone go through like my friends. You've just broken up with somebody. You've really willfully chosen and made that decision to move on and you know it's the right thing to do, but you can't stop thinking about the person. It feels like an actual sickness, you know what I mean? Like, you're just obsessed.


Yeah. Totally get that.


So do you have any advice or rules or guidelines for how to deal with that?


Absolutely. And this is a classic case of "cording".

So when you're obsessed with someone and you're continuously thinking about them and you have - it's like - when you - firstly, before I speak about that, when you have a relationship with someone, immediately you create an energy cord so there's like an energy, etheric cord between you and that person. So one of the tools that I teach my clients, and I guide them through, is to do an energy exchange and a cord cutting. And really that makes a big difference. But this is - you have to do this consciously, some people may not want to do it. Also, depending on where the cord is - so most of the time these energetic cords the way - when I see it in my mind, it's through the lower chakras, if you know about the chakras, and especially the sacral chakra, which is all emotional. So definitely there's cording going on, so the first thing is to really do a cord cutting, an energy exchange. 

And then second I have some very specific NLP techniques that I use to cut you from the past, from those thoughts, and it works really well. So, and clients are almost always surprised at how well it works actually. 


Is cord cutting something that someone could do on their own or are they just too stuck in their own energy to really trust doing it by themselves?


Yeah, it's definitely something you can do on your own. You can just use your intention and really imagine that cord and you take your energy back. You give back their stuff and you consciously make the decision to cut the cords. You can certainly do it on your own, but obviously there's some clients that maybe they're not able to, they're scared, or they don't know how. But it's really that easy. You use your mind, you use your intention and you really do it consciously. You make the decision to almost do like an energetic divorce with that person and so that you can move on energetically and you do feel a difference in your field. 


I am particularly good at doing this for myself. And I have a Venus in Gemini, which is like, it's like this sign of the serial monogamist, but because it's in an air sign, it's about being able to plug in and plug back, you know unplug again, and I always try to share this with other people and I am not judging them but they seem to be really bad at it, so... 

This is usually with friends or family members, or someone close to me more than specifically clients, but I see people who are trying to hang on to friendships or to create a civil relationship with the ex, way too soon after the breakup - 




Like there's really no break. It just is kind of like this extension, this drawn out connection and I believe that you can have healthy relationship with your exes. I have some kind of civil friendly connection with everyone that I've ever been in love with. I'm happy and proud to say. But I do believe that there has to be a very hardcore period of distance. 


I absolutely agree. 


Yeah, so what's your role for that?


I actually had to tell clients to stop - well, unless they have children, then that's a whole different story. 


Right, yes. 


Because obviously you need to be connected if they're the father or mother of your child, but if it's just an ex and that's... especially clients that I have treated who have been in abusive relationships, I had to actually tell them to have no contact because it was not healthy and what they were doing actually unconsciously is wanting, seeking approval and seeking some sort of validation and sort of having them in the background as a way to - maybe some day, who knows. And that is not healthy, you know? That's not where you want to be. And I agree. You have to fully cut cords, have no communication until you are in a healthy space, then maybe in the future, okay. 

Maybe you can but yes, so... especially for clients who I see are really struggling then I do recommend that, to have no contact. 


I have a ritual that I do. There's actually a meaning of the word "casket". It's kind of a rural sort of Appalachian term for a little chest, where you keep keepsakes, like love letters and mementos and things like that. But I love the fact that the word also is something that we bury the dead in, right? It's a casket. And so I sort of created a ritual around that concept where I believe that every sign of the person, like if you do have photographs, if you do have letters and little things, if it's not something you're returning to them, it's something you want to keep, it needs to go in this casket and it needs to be bound up, tied up, and it needs to go in the closet for at least a year. 




Yeah. It needs to be a death. You really need to mourn it. 


I have - 


Yeah, go ahead.


I was just going to share a really interesting story. So I had a client who was in an abusive relationship and she had an - it was over, but she was still suffering the aftermath which I was working with her through, she had diamond earrings that she was wearing every day, and it had been I think 5 years or I can't remember how long it was - and she was still wearing them every day. And I made her either sell it or, you know, sell it and buy something else but she was so stuck in that story that I asked her, I think this would be a good idea for you to do to really break free. You don't need that. You can buy yourself another pair of earrings. 

Anyway, so she finally, she did it. And two weeks later, she went back home and her mother gave her a gift which was a diamond earrings that was way bigger and more beautiful than the one she had from her aunt. 

It's just so funny. She emailed me and I was like, That is just hilarious. So when you hang on to things, you know, it's just things. It's material things. It's not, doesn't mean anything but psychologically it was keeping her stuck in the past and she manifested diamond earrings but bigger and more beautiful and didn't have the same memories, let's say, that she was carrying with her every day. 

I thought that was funny. 


My mom actually - and I remember watching her do this and really being aware of the symbolism of it, but I didn't want to, you don't want to stop someone in the midst of them doing something and make them self-conscious about it. But she very instinctively when she was divorced, she had divorce jewelry that she felt like she couldn't wear anymore or whatever. And her instinct was, I'm going to go have this melted down and have them make something new out of it. And so she went and had this piece of jewelry, I think it was a ring, designed, using the stones and the precious metals from these other pieces and she made this whole new thing for herself. She designed it and it was hers. So she transformed all that into something and I remember at the time - 




- being very aware of the symbolism of that and I thought, Well she's doing it already, I'm not going to call attention to it. She's instinctively doing something that, yes, you would advise someone else to do and the thing I think a lot of people forget is, your subconscious mind is aware that that thing is on your body. 




It's aware of the weight of it and the - you catch sight of it in the mirror even though you've looked at those earrings a hundred times... 




Some part of you knows you're wearing them and it's broadcasting those memories. 


Totally. And it's like subliminal messages, you know?




Unconscious messages that you're not consciously aware of, but like you said, you catch a glimpse of it, you're putting it on every day, and it's constantly reminding you of that, so, yeah... 

I get rid of everything. When I'm done, I'm done. 


I do too. And like I said, I'm very good at it. 


Maybe I'm extreme. 


It's - you know the thing is, I'm one of those people who I anticipate pain. I know how long it takes to move through that energy and in to heal, regardless of how good you are at it, or how much you make the choice to do it. There's still going to be some period that just sucks. And my way of dealing with that is like, Let's hurry and do it as quickly as possible. Like, the fastest way is through it, so if I'm going to have to suffer for the next 6 months, then we better get a move on. 




And so, that kind of propels me through it or into it and it's almost kind of like, I feel a rush, a sense of needing to hurry, so I can be over soon. 


I have the same approach for myself. 


Yeah, I think it comes from having been through it multiple times and really getting good at it and thinking, You know what, I know what this is about. I know what I have to do to get to the other side of it. I am not someone, just for the record when I said I have connections to everyone I've ever been in a relationship with, none of those people have I ever for one second considered getting back together with. I don't understand that whole phenomenon. 

I kind of feel like if somebody's worthy of your love, there's probably something about them that always will be. With the exception of someone who's abusive or is a sociopath or a narcissist or has some issue that makes it toxic for you to be connected to them. But I do believe that the average person who's making average mistakes in relationships is still worthy of being out there somewhere as a Facebook friend or whatever. And that's okay. 




You use a term in your Heart Path series, "emotional discipline". Is that what we're talking about?


Yes, it is. Totally. 

And because, if you have a lot of emotions that you haven't processed, you will just act in ways that are - that will probably sabotage your relationships, it will take over basically your decisions, your actions, and...

Well first in terms of, and when it comes to exes, going back to what you mentioned, you truly need to have healed that before you either leave, before you can have a mutual friendship, let's say, a respectable, respectful friendship. Because otherwise, as I mentioned before, there'll still be a little part of you that is looking for approval for - that is seeking some sort of acknowledgment or something. Does that make sense?


Yeah, no. That actually hit me really hard when you said that the first time, and I thought, Oh, I'm a little guilty of that. I'm a little guilty of the person who doesn't want to be with me anymore still thinking I'm a good person. Like, that is something that I'm, at least subconsciously wanting to have and yeah, I'm absolutely guilty of that, for sure. 

The other thing too, you know, correct me if I'm wrong, but on a really basic level, you can't attract something better, you can't attract the person who's meant to be with you if that space is occupied, you know?




It's like the seat next to you, if someone else is sitting in that seat, no one else can come along and sit there. 


Absolutely. And maybe the person will and you'll miss it. Because you're so stuck on the past, like you said, your field is - your heart is filled with someone else so you still have those strings, those cords attached to the past that you're carrying along with you. Trying to move forwards and trying to manifest but with all this stuff in your field, so it will block you, yeah. 


So that's the manifesting part of the cycle. The process, right?


Yes, oh yes. 


And you really can't do, you can't manifest when all this foundational stuff, when you're wounded, when you've got cords of attachment draining your energy, occupying your thoughts and filling your heart, you can't manifest anything. 


Well, you can, but it won't be the right person. 


Not what you want. Yeah, manifest a bunch of crap. 


Yeah, exactly. So that you can, again, you're going to manifest things to trigger you to waken you, so that you realize, okay I need to deal with myself. I still have emotions, trapped emotions down there that need to come out, so... To manifest true - someone that is in alignment with what your heart truly desires, then yes, you need to let go. Otherwise you can manifest but not the right person. 


What do you say to the person who is manifesting the same relationship over and over again? What's that about?


That is definitely about trauma, because what you're doing is you're repeating a pattern and what I have found normally, it's childhood trauma. It's not just about an ex or even a few exes. It's always childhood-rooted core... these are like core deep-rooted trauma where you're seeking to be loved firstly, but in the wrong way. And it's only when you can truly go back and do inner child work, which is what I do mainly, with these type of issues. After we've released all the exes, then you can start to really, well, then you can start to manifest after you've healed your childhood wounds. Yeah. 


What message do you think is kind of missing from the spiritual, psychological world where, you know, the personal development world where we talk about these things and discuss it and want to be better. What do you think is the message that is missing or sort of needs to be brought forward?


One of the biggest things that I have seen is that a lot of people think that the spiritual world and being spiritual and all of that and self-development, maybe not so much self-development, is all about being positive and thinking positive and all of that. Which yes, that is the goal, and essentially that's where you want to be.

But however, it's about facing the dark stuff, facing your fears, facing these wounds that nobody talks about. Something that people are ashamed of and this is actually something that I post about on my social media, which maybe has shocked a few people. But I was ready to wake people up. It's not about being positive. If you're struggling, if you're stuck, then no matter how much, how many affirmations you do, or how much you try to think positive, things will not shift until you deal with those hurtful, painful emotions and your shadow and these traumas. 


Hmm... Yes.


I don't know if it's emphasized enough. 


Yeah, it's shadow work. I mean, I think that actually came up on the last interview that I did, so there is a connection here and you and I were talking before we started recording about this particular time period. The whole eclipse phenomenon and everything being about a break with the past, a break with old patterns and re-aligning somehow, and the thing is, you can't break with patterns if you're not kind of acknowledging them. 


Yes, absolutely. And that's actually another good point. This is another thing that may be missing is, I see a lot of people use spiritual concepts and even things like meditation, to bypass dealing with their stuff. And then they wonder why they're stuck months later. Oh, but maybe I need to meditate longer. And no, you actually need to be consciousYou need to actually face your stuff, and not try to transcend them. 


I also have a theory that a lot of our purpose is found in that painful stuff. It's about a transmutation of our life lessons because nobody wants to hear somebody who's just really happy and has an easy time of it telling us how to live. All your credibility and all your wisdom comes from these traumatic things that you contend with and learn how to deal with and your best hope at impacting someone else is to offer them a shorter path through that. 


Yeah, absolutely. And the only reason I say that when I started my spiritual journey or my spiritual path, nobody told me this. I was just told I need to be positive and I need to be grateful and I need to think positive thoughts. Which yes, but I didn't actually realize that I actually had to deal with my dark stuff. So that's why I emphasized on this point as well. 

But yeah, you're right and it's only when you've gone through certain experiences that you're able to help another take the shorter path, you know. 


Yeah, yes. 

So you have five free audio tools that are available for my listeners if they go to your website. Tell us about these tools and where we can go to find them. 



These are really the basic tools to release overwhelm, start to release fear, and really bring yourself back to balance because when you're in a state of stress and overwhelm, there's no way you're processing anything. So you can go to my website. It's Melany-Oliver.com. Or if it's easier, you can also go to MelanyOliverHealing.com. And you can subscribe to my website and you'll receive these five tools and they're, like i said, this is the foundation. This is the basics so that you can start to get centered, get grounded, start to process some of your emotions and really bring you to a place of balance. So that you can be conscious and then you can start to do more deeper work. 


Are these guided meditations? 


No, these are audio tools. I just speak about each tool so you can hear me speak. There are i think two meditations on them. Links that I've put up there as well. But they're tools so you can start practicing as of today. 


Okay, that's awesome. Well I will put your links in the show notes and on the blog post so everybody can just click on that and go sign up and get those and start using them. 

Thank you, Melany, for talking about this subject. I know it's probably one of the number one reasons why people do seek advice in the first place, so I know that there's somebody out there listening who has really learned a lot from your talk. 


Awesome. Thank you so much for having me. It was really nice to speak to you. 


Thanks again for listening to the Shift Your Spirits podcast.

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I promised to leave you a message in answer to a question or a concern you may have.

So take a moment to think about that—hold it in your mind or speak it out loud. I’ll pause for just a few seconds….right…now.



It’s important at this time that you remember your self worth. That you hold your head high and hold yourself in high esteem. You can set firm but gentle boundaries with others without being isolated from them. You can also delegate from a place of authority. Remember you have allies who can assist you in the external world even as you focus on your internal self-care.

And I’ll talk to you later.